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Cherokee Blog

Posts from March 2023

Museum of the Cherokee Indian Announces Spring Lecture Series

Virtual programming showcases native plant harvests, enduring craft traditions

CHEROKEE, NC: The Museum of the Cherokee Indian (MCI) will hold its Spring Lecture Series throughout March, April, and May of 2023 with virtual presentations and an in-person Community Learning workshop. Under the theme of Gathering, the seasonal programming emphasizes plant gathering traditions and encourages community participation and exchange.

“This season’s lecture series has a focus on foraging and the preparation of foraged foods, as well as the environmental impact and sustainability of foraging correctly,” explains Jennifer Wilson, Aniyvwiyahi Community Program Coordinator at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. “The gathering of food and...

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The Best Bait Options to Use for Fly Fishing

There’s truly nothing more relaxing than a day out in nature, catching fish, and watching the beautiful streams pass you by. It’s a sport that can be done professionally and by beginners and is a great way for family and friends to enjoy the scenic views of an area less traveled.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to better understand the world of fly fishing or a seasoned vet, wanting to find a fun, new place to fly fish, keep reading! In this blog, we’ll be discussing fly fishing essentials, the best flies to use when trying to catch fish, and much more!

What is Fly Fishing?

Fly fishing is a popular type of fishing that differs from traditional fishing as it uses a light-weight lure mimicking insects and other small “bugs”...

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The 5 Best Camping Recipes for Dinner

Quick, easy-to-pack meals for kids, friends, and family to enjoy while camping

Arguably the most stressful part about camping is planning for food. But, what if we told you there was a way to simplify it and give you an easy, stress-free solution for future camping adventures? Well, welcome to our fool-proof 5 best camping recipes for dinner blog where we’ll be giving you our best family-friendly, fun dinner recipes (and breakfast and lunch tips) to keep even the pickiest eater happy!

Save this blog and keep it as a checklist/guide for your next camping trip adventure or when you visit the cozy cabins and campgrounds located in Cherokee!

How to Cook and Camp Like a Pro

Now, how elaborate you want to get with you camping...

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The Ultimate Camping Checklist

Whether you’re a first-time camper or a seasoned pro, there’s truly nothing like a camping adventure to bring the family or friends together! Camping is the perfect way to experience nature in a fun, safe way! You can hike, make delicious recipes over a campfire, fish, or visit a local village – the opportunities are truly endless!

The next time you visit one our amazing campgrounds in Cherokee, you’ll want to make sure that you have everything you need, which is why we’ve created the ultimate camping checklist guide that you can use on your next vacation!

Save or print this blog and use it as your official preparation guide when planning your next camping adventure!

How to Plan a Camping Trip: The Essentials

Before you...

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