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Cherokee Blog

Posts from January 2020

Your Hands Tell a Story: The Photos of Kristy Herron

“I think your hands say a lot about you, and what you do with them. I like the ones that have a story to tell. And I try to tell that story in my photos,” says photographer Kristy Herron. For her hands photo series, Kristy tries to stick with traditional crafts, but she also takes photos of hands in other scenarios that she finds interesting. Take a look! 

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Meet the Atsila Anotasgi Cultural Specialists at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian

Meet the Atsila Anotasgi Cultural Specialists, a group of highly knowledgeable and skilled cultural ambassadors for Cherokee, based out of the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Their name means “fire builders” and their mission is to share traditional aspects of Cherokee culture with the rest of the world. 

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